Sarah Douglas
Senior Lecturer
100 Dulles Hall
230 Annie & John Glenn Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1367
Areas of Expertise
- Military History
- Medieval European History
- World History
- Disease History
- The History of Technology
- 2015: Ph.D., History, The Ohio State University
- 2009: M.A., History, The Ohio State University
- 2007: B.A., History, The Ohio State University; Honors in the Liberal Arts with Distinction in History
Dr. Sarah K Douglas obtained her B.A. from the Ohio State University in 2007, her M.A. from OSU in 2009, and her Ph.D. from OSU in 2015. Her specialties include military history, medieval European history, global history, disease history, and the history of technology. Dr. Douglas has served as a Fellow at the West Point Summer Seminar in Military History; she has received eight Ohio State College of Arts and Sciences and Department of History Awards/Fellowships; two research fellowships from the Mershon Center for International Security Studies; and she has been awarded four dissertation fellowships from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee. She has several peer-reviewed and editor-reviewed articles, one edited volume now in print, and her dissertation manuscript is going through the editorial process in preparation for publication. She has served on various university boards and she regularly volunteers for community outreach by giving public lectures on numerous historical topics and assisting with secondary historical education. She is currently a Senior Lecturer here at Ohio State where she teaches various undergraduate courses covering topics from the Crusades to the Vietnam War. She also works as a Senior Lecturer at Norwich University where she teaches graduate courses and advises Masters theses in both military history and global history.
- In Progress: Dissertation Manuscript, The Price of Pestilence: The Black Death in the face of the Hundred Years War
- 2021: "The Rhyme of History: What the Black Death can tell us about COVID-19’s aftermath,” Origins: Current Events in the Historical Perspective (7 February 2021), Available:
- 2021: “Quarantino: Plague and the Origins of Social Distancing,” Origins: Current Events in the Historical Perspective (16 January 2021), Available:
- 2019: “The Age of Pestilence, Ship Rigging, and the Origins of the Naval Military Revolution,” Technology, Violence, and War: Essays in Honor of John F. Guilmartin Jr. (Leiden: Brill Publishers Co., 2019)
- 2019: Co-Editor, Technology, Violence, and War: Essays in Honor of John F. Guilmartin Jr. (Leiden: Brill Publishers Co., 2019).
- 2018: “‘For the Rape of Margery’: Rape, Pardons, and Military Service during the reign of Edward III,” in Lawrence Trittle, Edward Gutierrez, and Jason Warren, eds., The Many Faces of War (Los Angeles, CA: Marymount Institute Press, 2018).
- 2018: “The Black Death and Nation-State Wars of the Fourteenth Century: Environment, Epigenetics, Excess, and Expiation, 1346-1450,” Epidemics and War: The Impact of Disease on Major Conflicts in History (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio, LLC, 2018), 51-67.
- 2014: “The Search for Hitler: Hugh Trevor-Roper, Humphrey Searle, and the Allied Investigation into the Death of Adolph Hitler,” The Journal of Military History, 78 (January 2014), 159-210.
- 2013: “Douglas on Ross, 'John de Vere, Thirteenth Earl of Oxford: "The Foremost Man of the Kingdom,"' H-War, H-Net Reviews (2011), Available:
- 2011: "Nigel Saul, Chivalry in Medieval England," (2011) Available:
- 2019 – 2025: Guest Historical Lecture Series at Olentangy, Dublin, Upper Arlington Rotary Clubs
- 2019, 2021: Ohio History Day Judge, Region 6 and Region 9
- 2016 – 2017: The Ohio State Department of History Nominee, Ohio Historical Society Dissertation Award
- 2016: John F. Guilmartin Festschrift Conference, Columbus, OH: “The Age of Pestilence, Ship Rigging, and the Origins of the Naval Military Revolution”
- 2016: Conference Coordinator, A Festschrift Conference in Honor of John F. Guilmartin, The Ohio State University
- 2015: Society for Military History Conference, Montgomery, AL: “For the King’s Pardon: Crime, Pardon, and Military Service in Edward III’s England”
- 2014: Conference Coordinator, D-Day Memorial Event, The Ohio State University
- 2013 – 2014: Graduate Representative, Donald G. & Mary A. Dunn Chair in Modern Military History Search Committee
- 2013: Society for Military History Conference, New Orleans, LA: “Disease and War: The English government and the campaigns of Edward III in the wake of the Black Death”
- 2012: The Triangle Institute of Security Studies New Faces Conference, University of North Carolina: “The Great Pestilence: The Black Death and its Effect Upon Military Logistical Preparation during the Hundred Years' War”
- 2012: Queen City Colloquium, University of Cincinnati: "The Great Pestilence: The Black Death and Edward III's military campaigns in France"
- 2011, 2012, 2013: OSU University Center for the Advancement of Teaching Orientation Facilitator
- 2010 – 2012: OSU College of Humanities Graduate Student Representative, University Senate
- 2010, 2012: The Joseph Lynch Award for Studies in Medieval and Religious History, The OSU Department of History
- 2010: Fellow, The West Point Summer Seminar in Military History
- 2010: The OSU Mershon Center for International Security Studies Grant
- 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012: The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee Fellowship for the Study of Military History
- 2008 – 2012: OSU Council of Graduate Students Co-Representative, Council on Academic Affairs (CAA)
- 2009, 2011: Conference Coordinator, Military Frontiers: A Graduate Symposium at OSU
- 2008 – 2012: OSU History Department Delegate, Council of Graduate Students (CGS)
- History 1211: European History, Prehistory- 1450CE
- History 1212: European History, 1450 – Present
- History 2231: The Crusades
- History 2550: Global History of Warfare
- History 3270: World War I
- History 3500: U.S. Diplomatic Policy, 1776 – 1920
- History 3550: War in World History, 500 – 1650
- History 3551: War in World History, 1650 – 1899
- History 3561: American Military History, 1899 – Present
- History 3570: World War II
- History 3575: The Korean War
- History 3580: The Vietnam War
- History 4193.01: Individual Studies