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Course Information

History Curriculum

Browse our complete course list or read more about our Fields of Study and Constellations.

Courses (coursebook)

Printed copies of the Department Coursebook are available in the lobby of the History Department in 106 Dulles Hall.

Course Syllabi

 Copies of past course syllabi are available online. Please contact the instructor for current offerings.

Study Tour and History Minor

Integrated Semester – Study Tour and History Minor at The Ohio State University 

Combined BA/MA degree in History

We offer a combined BA/MA degree in history. More information is available here.

BA/MA Program in History/East Asian Studies

The Department of History and the Interdisciplinary M.A. Program in East Asian Studies offer a combined B.A./M.A. program for students who want to advance their ability to engage East Asian cultures and societies as rapidly as possible in preparation for careers in government, business, education or work in Ph.D. programs.