Areas of Expertise
- African History
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History
- Race, Ethnicity, and Nation
Robertson; B.A., Carleton College, 1966; M.A., University of Chicago, 1968; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1974.
Professor Robertson's research and teaching interests included African women, Third World women and socioeconomic change, female marketing systems, women and slavery in Africa and the Americas, Third World education and development, feminist theory and methodology, issues of representation of African women, comparative and transnational gender perspectives and colonialism and women. She is author or editor of six books and numerous articles dealing with women, class/gender relations, and slavery in Africa. Dr. Robertson is winner of the African Studies Association's 1985 Herskovits Book Award. In 1987-88, she held a Fulbright Fellowship to study Kenyan market women and the development of Nairobi area trade. Her latest book, Genital Cutting and Transnational Feminism (2002), eo-edited with Stanlie James, problematizes U.S. representations of African women in connection with the sensationalizing of genital cutting. Her research focused on reconstructing the history of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. She held joint appointments in the Department of History and the Center for Women's Studies and is now retired.