The Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History program at Ohio State University is committed to teaching and scholarship on women and gender that is comparative and global in scope. All of our students are funded through fellowships and teaching or research assistantships for up to five years; and they have access to a multitude of funds that support travel and research.
Our Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History graduate alumni have established successful careers at colleges and universities across the country and continue to make substantial contributions to scholarship in women's and gender history.
- Faculty in Histories of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
- Graduate Alumni in Histories of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Courses in Histories of Women, Gender, and Sexuality

Related programs at Ohio State
The Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies offers one of the largest and most comprehensive curricula in the country, including a Ph.D. program in women's studies. In addition to the core faculty, more than forty associated graduate faculty members teach gender-focused courses in a number of departments. Ohio State also houses an interdisciplinary program that offers a Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Sexuality Studies and the Diversity and Identity Studies Working Group gathers together faculty and graduate students interested in issues related to the intersections of race, class, gender, dis/ability, ethnicity, and sexuality.
For information about fellowships, graduate associateships, course offerings, requirements for the MA and PhD, and application procedures please contact:
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee
Department of History
Ohio State University
230 Annie & John Glenn Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
Check out our information for prospective graduate students. As with all of the Department of History's graduate programs, the deadline for receipt of all application materials is December 1.