History 1151- American History to 1877
Instructor: TBD
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-week Session 1
The political, constitutional, social, and economic development of the United States from the colonial period through the era of Reconstruction.
Prerequisites and Special Comments: Not open to students with credit for 1150 or 2001.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 1152- American History since 1877
Instructor: TBD
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-wk Session 2
The political, constitutional, social and economic development of the United States from the end of Reconstruction to the present.
Prerequisites and Special Comments: Not open to students with credit for 1150 or 2002.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 1212- European History 2
Instructor: TBD
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-wk Session 1
Political, scientific, and industrial revolutions; nationalism; the two World Wars; the decline of empires; the Cold War.
Prerequisites and Special Comments: Not open to students with credit for 1210, 2203, 2204.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 1682- World History 1500 to Present
Instructor: TBD
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-wk Session 2
Survey of the human community, with an emphasis on its increasing global integration, from the first European voyages of exploration through the present.
Prerequisites and Special Comments: Not open to students with credit for 2642. This course is available for EM credit.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 2015 – History of American Criminal Justice
Instructor: Roth, Randy
Days/Time: Online, Asynchronous
Session: 8-week Session 2
The history of crime, criminal law, law enforcement, prisons, and juvenile courts.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 2081 – African American History from 1877
Instructor: Teague, Greyson
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 6-week Session 1
The study of the African American experience in the United States from the era of Reconstruction through the present, with an emphasis on the intersection of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and social class.
Prerequisites and Special Comments: Not open to students with AfAmASt 2081.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies, GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity.
History 2105 - Latin America and the World
Instructor: Schoof, Markus
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 6-week Session 2
Latin America's relationship with the World since independence (1825) focusing on cases of direct and indirect U.S. intervention as well as European influences and globalization.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 2201- Ancient Greece and Rome
Instructor: Vanderpuy, Peter
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-week Session 1
Comparative historical analysis of ancient Mediterranean civilizations of the Near East, Greece, and Rome from the Bronze Age to Fall of Rome.
Prerequisites and Special Comments: Not open to students with credit for 1211
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World
History 2550- History of War
Instructor: Douglas, Sarah
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-wk Session 1
A survey of the main concepts and issues involved in the study of war in world perspective, using case studies from prehistoric times to the present.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 2610 - A Survey of U.S. Women's and Gender History: Diversity and Intersections
Instructor: Rivers, Daniel
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-week Session 2
Survey of women and gender from pre-European settlement to present, with particular attention to differences among women.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the US, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies, GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity.
History 2650 - The World since 1914
Instructor: Mackaman-Lofland, Catalina (Kiki)
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-wk Session 3
Global perspective on major forces that shaped the world since 1914. Provides students with factual knowledge and a critical interpretive framework for responsible global citizenship.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
History 2701: History of Technology
Instructor: Cahn, Dylan
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 6-wk Session 1
Survey of the history of technology in global context from ancient times.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEN Theme: Lived Environments
History 2702: Food in World History
Instructor: Cahn, Dylan
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-wk Session 1
Survey of the history of food and drink, diet and nutrition in a global context.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Theme: Sustainability
History 2702: Food in World History
Instructor: Arnold, Ellen
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-wk Session 3
Survey of the history of food and drink, diet and nutrition in a global context.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Theme: Sustainability
History 2703 – History of Public Health, Medicine, and Disease
Instructor: Esposito, James
Days/Times: Online, asynchronous
Session: 6-week Session 2
Survey of the history of public health, disease and medicine in a global context.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Theme: Health and Well-being
History 2800- Introduction to the Discipline of History
Instructor: Anderson, Greg
Days/Times: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-wk Session 2
Investigation of the methods and analytical approaches historians use to understand the past.
General Education
History 3014- Gilded Age to Progressive Era, 1877-1920
Instructor: Wood, Josh
Days/Times: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-wk Session 1
Advanced study of U.S. social, political, cultural, foreign policy history from 1877-1920: Industrialization; immigration; urbanization; populism; Spanish-American War; progressivism; WWI.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the US, GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World
History 3014- Gilded Age to Progressive Era, 1877-1920
Instructor: Pawlikowski, Melissah
Days/Times: Online, asynchronous
Session: 4-wk Session 3
Advanced study of U.S. social, political, cultural, foreign policy history from 1877-1920: Industrialization; immigration; urbanization; populism; Spanish-American War; progressivism; WWI.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the US, GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World
History 3030- History of Ohio
Instructor: Coil, William
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-wk Session 2
Survey of economic, social, and political development of the geographic area that became Ohio from Native Americans to present.
General Education
GEL Historical Study
History 3247 – Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe
Instructor: Schoonover, Jordan
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-week Session 2
Investigation of the history of European witchcraft, focusing on intellectual, religious, and social developments and on the great witchcraft trials of the early modern period.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, & Transformations
History 3253: Europe 1900-1950
Instructor: Limbach, Eric
Days/Time: Online, asynchronous
Session: 8-week Session 2
Exploration of the major historical events and issues from approximately 1900 to 1950.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations
History 3798.02: WWII Study Tour
Instructor: Hahn, Peter/Mansoor, Pete
Days/Time: May 9-June 2, study abroad
Session: 4-wk Session 1
Study Tour in Europe exploring the history of World War II, the United States, and Europe.
General Education
GEL Historical Study, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEL: Education Abroad
History 3798.06: Between France and Morocco
Instructor: Salome Fouts
Days/Time: May 4-29, study abroad
Session: 4-wk Session 1
This 3-credit hour Study Abroad traces the evolution of cultural, religious, racial, and national identities in France and Morocco, focusing on shared histories between these two countries. Students will explore the ways in which the legacies of slavery, colonialism and immigration continue to shape both nations. France, a predominantly Catholic nation, controlled parts of the Caribbean, Asia and Africa (including Morocco) until the 1950s; the kingdom of Morocco was once part of a vast Islamic empire that extended into France in the 8th century. Each country today has a significant number of minorities, and thus faces, like our own country, the challenge of practicing inclusivity and respecting diversity. The first week of study will introduce students to the history and culture of Paris. For the second week, we will make the small Southern city of Aix-en-Provence our base and explore France's gateway to the Mediterranean. We will spend the third week visiting the historic cities of Marrakech, Rabat, and Casablanca in Morocco.
Assigned Readings: TBD
Assignments: On-site travel journal and final short paper
Prerequisites and Special Comments:
Students in the following programs are particularly encouraged to apply:
- Todd A. Bell National Resource Center on the African American Male (BNRC)
- Latine Student Success (LSS)
- Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
- Morrill Scholars Program (MSP)
- Young Scholars Program (YSP)
- Program for Advancing Scholarship and Service (PASS) Scholars
- Other ASC Scholars and Scholars Groups
History 4675 – Seminar in World/Global/Transnational History
Instructor: Roth, Randy
Days/Times: Online, Fridays 2:15-5:00pm
Advanced research and readings on selected topics in World/Global/Transnational History
Prerequisites and Special Comments: A grade of C or above in History 2800, and any 3000-level History course; or permission of instructor.
General Education
History 7600 – Studies in the History of Women and Gender
Instructor: Birgitte Soland
Days/Times: Online, Wednesdays 7:00-9:45pm
Readings course for graduate students focusing on the history of women and gender. The course content will be international, emphasizing cross-cultural comparisons.
Prerequisites and Special Comments: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 5 completions.
General Education