History 5229 Special Topics in Ancient Christianity
Instructor: Harrill, Bert
Days/Time: WF, 12:45pm-2:05pm
This is the graduate section of History 3218: Paul & His Influence in Early Christianity.
Paul is the most powerful human personality in the history of the Church. His letters are the foundations on which later Christian theology is built. This course introduces the critical study of Paul's literary work as primary sources for reconstructing the development of the Christian movement. We explore how the figure changed over time. We look at the significance of Paul's life and the competing ways its story was retold, appropriated, or resisted. The student will study the Pauline literature closely and will read important secondary treatments of Paul, including areas of controversy in the interpretation of his life and thought. The course presupposes no prior coursework on the Bible or in the academic study of religion.
History 5550 Special Topics in Military History
Instructor: Walker, Lydia
Days/Time: W, 9:35am-12:20pm
Advanced course in Military History. Topics Vary.
History 7012 Historiography of Modern U.S. II
Instructor: Howard, Clay
Days/Time: Fridays, 9:35am-12:20pm
Readings in Modern US history, 1945 to present.
History 7230 Studies in Medieval History
Instructor: Butler, Sara
Days/Time: M, 2:15pm-5:00pm
Topic: Law and Society in Medieval England
Advanced reading course in sources and monographs on the principal issues and problems in medieval history, with a stress on bibliography.
History 7275 Studies in Eastern European History
Instructor: Dragostinova, Theodora
Days/Time: R, 2:15pm-5:00pm
Selected topics in Eastern European political, social, cultural, and intellectual history and historiography; theoretical and comparative emphasis.
History 7550 Studies In Military History
Instructor: Cabanes, Bruno
Days/Time: W, 5:30pm-8:15pm
Studies in military history; emphasis on military institutions and activities in war and peace, along with works of historiographical interest to the military history field.
History 7600 Studies in the History of Women and Gender
Instructor: Soland, Birgitte
Days/Time: M, 7:00pm-9:45pm
Readings course for graduate students focusing on the history of women and gender. The course content will be international, emphasizing cross-cultural comparisons.
History 7906 Professionalization and the Discipline of History
Instructor: Fontanilla, Ryan
Days/Time: F, 2:15pm-5:00pm
This course introduces the professional field of academic history and its culture. This course will provide resources, guidance, and a supportive setting for graduate students to learn about funding opportunities, to write effective grant applications, and to conceptualize historical work for different audiences (peers, funders, and the public).
History 8801 Seminar in History
Instructor: Conklin, Alice
Days/Time: TBD
Graduate Research Seminar in History.