Certificate programs in history are designed for students and working professionals alike to prepare you with skills, knowledge and experiences. Each certificate program has its own requirements.
Available Certificates:
Conflict and Diplomacy
The certificate in the Conflict and Diplomacy in History focuses on interstate cooperation and competition as an engine of historical change. This program will help participants understand how states operate in the world, global power relations, root causes of violence and war, and how states locate paths to peace. Upon completion, students will be better prepared to independently identify the sources of conflict; assess ways that governments use political, economic, and military power to resolve these issues; and analyze how changes to technology and the international system have influenced popular and political views on best methods for conflict resolution. This certificate is useful for those desiring a deeper understanding of the complex historical factors influencing international relations and warfare.
Required Courses (12 Hours)
Required Core Courses (6 Hours)
Diplomatic Foundations (choose one of the following):
HIST 2500 20th Century International History
HIST 3500 U.S. Diplomacy from Independence to 1920
HIST 3501 U.S. Diplomacy, 1920-Present
HIST 3505 The U.S. and the Middle East
Military Foundations (choose one of the following):
HIST 2550 History of War
HIST 3552 War in World History, 1900 – Present
HIST 3560 American Military History, 1607-1902
HIST 3561 American Military History, 1902 to the Present
HIST 3590 Wars of Empire and Decolonization
Choose two of the following (6 hours):
HIST 2231 The Crusades
HIST 2301 African Peoples and Empires in World History
HIST 3216 War in the Ancient Mediterranean World
HIST 3270 History of World War I
HIST 3308 History of US-Africa Relations, 1900-Present
HIST 3312 Africa and World War II
HIS 3313 Conflict in the Horn of Africa
HIST 3269 Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
HIST 3475 History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
HIST 3506 Diplomacy, Congress, and the Imperial Presidency
HIST 3550 War in World History, 500-1650
HIST 3551 War in World History, 1651-1899
HIST 3570 World War II
HIST 3575 The Korean War
HIST 3580 The Vietnam War
HIST 4525 Seminar in International History
HIST 4575 Seminar in Military History
INTSTDS 4700 Terror and Terrorism
INTSTDS 4701 Development and Control of WMD
INTSTDS 4803 Intervening for Peace
Please contact your academic advisor for more information.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(History 3083 and History 3612)
The certificate in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is an interdisciplinary curricular program designed to provide participants with the understanding, knowledge and skills to navigate increasingly diverse social environments and promote equity in the process.
- Degree-seeking undergraduate students at Ohio State
- Anyone with a bachelor's degree
The certificate in Food, Culture and Society is an interdisciplinary certificate that combines courses offered across the College of the Arts and Sciences to serve a growing interest in the cultural, historical and social meaning of food in the United States and around the globe.
Upon completion of this certificate, students will be prepared to:
- Identify and apply health communication theories and concepts to the design and execution of health communication messages for diverse audiences.
- Evaluate health communication messages and interventions through the integration of communication knowledge and practice.
- Demonstrate interpersonal communication competency across varying modalities and healthcare settings.

History of Capitalism
Students are required to complete 12 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students must complete 6 credit hours of coursework in the Department of Economics and 6 credit hours of coursework in the Department of History. This certificate is designed to engage students in the history of capitalism in both the American and Global contexts. Students are therefore required to take both Economics 4130 and 4140. Students are also required to take either History 2010 or History 3705, in addition to one other history course from the list below.
American Capitalism
*Econ 4130: World Economic Development in Historical Perspective
*Econ 4140: Economic History of the Americas
*His 2010: History of American Capitalism
World Capitalism
*Econ 4130: World Economic Development in Historical Perspective
*Econ 4140: Economic History of the Americas
*His 3705: History of Capitalism in Comparative and Global Perspective
Students must take either His 2010 or His 3705, and one additional course from this list:
*His 2010: History of American Capitalism
His 2701: History of Technology
His 2702: Food in World History
His 2710: History of the Car
*His 3705: History of Capitalism in Comparative and Global Perspective
His 3706: Coca-Cola Globalization: The History of American Business and Global
Environmental Change, 1800-Today
Ohio State students majoring or minoring in history and/or economics may count up to two classes toward both the certificate and their major or minor requirements.
Please contact your academic advisor for more information.

Medieval and Renaissance Studies
(History 7230, History 7235, History 7240, History 7245, History 7884, History 8230, History 8240, History 8245)