We could tell you all the reasons we think studying history is important. That it is the sum total of the human experience; that experience serves as a mirror reflecting today’s events.
That history is the key to understanding crises of war, revolution, famine and social upheaval. And that studying history involves analysis and hones critical thinking skills.
We are not doing that. We decided to ask alumni who are using their degree in unique ways to tell us why they chose to study history and how it helped them prepare for their careers. Click on the links below to read and hear about their careers.

Sarah Wakefield
Manager of the HR Employee Administration Team
Ohio State University

Matthew Bonner
Old Spice Global BFO Brand Manager
Procter and Gamble

Andrea Brookover
Executive Director
Ohio Holocaust and Genocide Memorial
and Education Commission

Keily Cunningham and Tanesha Pickering
Curator and Executive Director
Galion History Center

Lauren Kennedy
Digital Projects Coordinator-Ohio Memory,
Ohio History Connection

Bryn Carskadon
Vice President, Asset Management
J.P. Morgan

Devon Reich
Operations & Marketing Assistant
American Historical Association

Brandon Fawbush
Law School Student
(BA, 2017)

Scott King-Owen
Bexley High School
(PhD, 2011)

Andra (Zadnik) Geno
Operations Project Manager,
Global Distribution, Netflix
(BA History, Ohio State 2007,
MFA Film Studies, Boston U. 2009)

Douglas Brinkley
CNN Presidential Historian
Professor, Department of History
Rice University
Fellow, James Baker,
III Institute for Public Policy
(BA, 1982)

The Honorable John Ong
Ambassador to Norway (Retired)
President of BF Goodrich
Ohio State University Trustee
(BA, 1954)

Christopher Ryan
Commercial Consultant
and Blogger
(BA, 1989)
Lorin (Hal) Tedrow
Franchise Development Specialist
The Wendy's Company (BA, 2016)