Web Resources
"What to Do with a BA in History" Blog (American Historical Association) - This is a new blog focusing on the history degree. Current postings include,
- "Where can you find data on career prospects for History Majors?" -- a pertinent article
- "From History to Logisitcs: How My Degree in History Heps my STEM Career" and more.
- The AHA web site itself has a lot of valuable information for history degree seekers.
Career Center and Internet Resources for History Majors (Portland State University Career Center)
"Working Your Degree" (CNN Money)
Careers in History: A Miniguide from the American Historical Association
Print Resources
Great Jobs for History Majors, Stephen Lambert & Julie DeGalan. McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Great Jobs for Liberal Arts Majors, Blythe Camenson. McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Top Careers for History Gradutes, Inc Facts on File, 2004.
What to Do with Your History or Political Science Degree (Career Guides), Princeton Review
Peterson's Liberal Arts Jobs: The Guide That Turns Learning Into Earning. 1998.