Four courses from the following list will fulfill this thematic minor.
2700 Global Environmental History
2701 History of Technology
2702 Food in World History
2703 History of Public Health, Medicine and Disease
2704 Water: A Human History
2705 The History of Medicine in Western Society
2720 Big History
3307 History of African Health and Healing
3700 American Environmental History
3701 History of American Medicine
3704 HIV: From Microbiology to Macrohistory
3708 Vaccines: A Global History
3708 Vaccines: A Global History
3711 Science and Society in Early Modern Europe
3712 Science and Society in Modern Europe
3715 Explorations of Science, Technology and the Environment in East Asia
4700 Readings Seminar in the History of Environment, Technology, and Science
4705 Research Seminar in the History of Environment, Technology, and Science