Department of History Undergraduate Awards 2025
Please apply for these awards via the Microsoft Word application form here:
The due date for applications is 11:59 PM March 1, 2025.
Lloyd Roberts Evans Endowed Scholarship in History
For history majors of junior or senior rank with a GPA of 3.4 or above.
Frommer Scholarship
To provide tuition support for an undergraduate student majoring in history and interested in studying abroad. The funds may be used for travel abroad expenses. Eligible recipient must show demonstrated financial need and above-average academic performance.
Fullmer Scholarship Fund
Provides student support for undergraduate students in the Department of History. Preference will be given to students studying in the areas of women’s history or the history of science. Special consideration shall be given to candidates that are members of organizations recognized by the University that are open to all but whose missions seek to advance the need of historically underserved populations.
Timothy Gregory Scholarship for History and Archaeology in the Mediterranean Sea Region
Provides support for undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled in the Department of History (“Department”), wish to pursue historical research or study abroad opportunities that include archaeology in the Mediterranean Sea region and demonstrate a desire to pursue archaeological work in the territory of Greece on any period from prehistory to modern times. Preference will be given to students who are majoring or minoring in history.
Marge Haffner Memorial Scholarship
For a history student who already has some form of financial aid.
Hairston Scholarship
For an excellent history major who demonstrates financial need. Preference is given to students who graduated from high schools in the Appalachia region and students who are first-generation college students, students who have overcome substantial educational or economic obstacles, or students who have experience living or working in diverse environments.
Austin Kerr Scholarship in Modern American History
For history majors studying modern American history. Award based on financial need.
Allen R. Millett Scholarship
For history majors studying abroad.
Dr. John and Marilyn Nethers Endowed Scholarship
Supports undergraduate students majoring in history. The application will be available soon.
Dr. John T. von der Heide Scholarship
For history majors entering their senior year in 2023-2024.
Adrienne A. & Marvin R. Zahniser Scholarship
Available to senior history majors with a total GPA that puts them in the top 10% of fellow history majors.