The Ohio Seminar in Early American History provides an online forum for scholars examining topics in early American history broadly conceived. Founded by Carla Pestana in 1992 and formerly hosted by The Ohio State University, faculty and students from all over now gather on Zoom to discuss current research (often a pre-circulated paper). Past presenters have included major scholars in the field, among them Mary Kelley, Rachel Cleves, Jack Rakove, Gordon Wood, Timothy H. Breen, Christina Snyder, Nancy Hewitt, Rosemarie Zagarri, and Mary Beth Norton (visit our archive for a complete list of past seminars).
Specific details will be distributed prior to each seminar. Anyone with questions regarding these sessions should contact Lindsay Schakenbach Regele via email at
Steering Committee:
Brian Schoen, Ohio University
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele, Miami University
Cameron Shriver, Miami University
Karim Tiro, Xavier University