Bart Elmore is Professor of Environmental History and a Core Faculty Member in Ohio State’s Sustainability Institute.
I study the relationship between large multinational firms and the environment. I regularly teach History 2010: History of American Capitalism, History 3700: American Environmental History, History 3706: Coca-Cola Globalization: American Business and Global Environmental Change, 1800-Today, and Readings in Environmental History (Environmental History seminar). I am the author of Country Capitalism (Ferris & Ferris, 2023), Seed Money: Monsanto’s Past & Our Food Future (W. W. Norton, 2021), and Citizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola Capitalism (W. W. Norton, 2014). Going forward, I plan to continue working at the intersection of environmental history, business history, the history of science and medicine, agricultural history, and the history of capitalism. When not at my desk or teaching, I spends my time playing with his wife and boys, paddling down streams, biking up whatever hills I can find, and wandering trails in the mountains. For more information, please check out my website www.bartelmore.com.