Undergraduate Awards
EACH SPRING WE INVITE OUR HISTORY UNDERGRADUATES to apply for department awards and scholarships. In addition to an application, each applicant must receive a faculty recommendation to be considered for an award. Some award recipients plan to use the funds to study abroad, while others will use their scholarship to conduct research. For all, however, the Department of History scholarship they receive simply will help ease the financial burden of a college education.
Of course, these awards would not be possible without the generous support of our donors, some of whom were present at a luncheon held on April 25, 2023 at the Ohio Union to celebrate undergraduate student achievement.
Department Scholarships
Lloyd Roberts Evans Endowed Scholarship in History
Rahma Anjum & Riley Steiner
Dr. Morris Frommer Endowed Scholarship in History
Elowen Conley
June Fullmer Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Snyder
Timothy Gregory Scholarship for History and Archaeology in the Mediterranean Sea Region
Abby Scheeser
Marge Haffner Memorial Scholarship
Katie Dorton
Austin Kerr Scholarship in Modern American History
Danielle Marshal
Elaine H. and George W. Hairston Student Support Fund
Katie Vela
The Allan R. Millett Study Abroad Scholarship
Elowen Conley, Benjamin Kerger, Nathanael Swart & Katie Vela
Dr. John and Marilyn Nethers Endowment Fund in the Department of History
Rahma Anjum & Riley Steiner
Lois Kemp Shinkle Memorial Scholarship in History
Katie Dorton
Dr. John T. von der Heide Scholarship
Benjamin Kerger, Matthew Raskin & Nathanael Swart
Adrienne A. and Marvin R. Zahniser Scholarship
Matthew Raskin
WWII Study Abroad
Irving A. Adelman and Morgan R. Lewis Scholarship
Meg Brosneck & Cecelia Minard
Ralph Childs Jr. Scholarship
Logan Costa & Leah Horan
Donald G. Dunn World War II Scholarship
Isabelle Payton & Zoey Verway-Cohen
Darold I. and Nadine Greek Scholarship
Kiersten Krogstad
John F. Guilmartin Jr. Scholarship
Jaimie Adams & Franny Marshall
Colonel Jon T. Hoffman, USMCR Scholarship
Aadi Pallerla & Riley Stanton
Virginia Hull WWII Endowed Scholarship
Colin Hulvalchik & Emily Neugebauer
Colonel Tahlman Krumm Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Ethan Ostrov
Dr. Michael Murnane/Donald Dunn Scholarship
Asher Carr
The Julie A. Scheiner WWII Study Abroad Scholarship
Kiara Sfikas
The Eugene V. Smith Endowed Scholarship
Kalista Waits
David Steigerwald Endowed Scholarship
Erik Ehrenfeld & Cecelia Minard
Chuck Webb Scholarship
Dante Zamarelli
Friends of History World War II Scholarship
Erik Ehrenfeld, Sam Husk, Isaac Weiss & Dante Zamarelli

Outstanding Research Seminar Essays
Daniel Adamson, “Disillusionment with the Revolution: Criticism of the Soviet Union and the American Left, 1917-1928”
Dante Head, “The Goddess and the Whore: The Dual Roles of Women in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema”
Aaron Sharp, “The British Empire and the Assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand: How did the People React and the Nation go to War?”
Elizabeth Snyder, “Discovering the Divine Feminine: Women’s Mediumship and
Identity Formation in Late Victorian Spiritualism”
Ellouise Surles, “Legislation About Abortion and Birth Control in France During
The ‘Belle Epoque’”
Katie Vela, “The Return of the Klan: Mothers, Young Women, and Girls in the
Ku Klux Klan (1920s)”

Phi Alpha Theta Initiation
Forty-five undergraduates were inducted into Ohio State’s chapter of the national history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta, on April 25, 2023 at the Ohio Union’s Cartoon Room.
To become a Phi Alpha Theta member, undergraduate students must complete a minimum of fifteen semester hours in history, achieve a minimum GPA of 3.1 in history and a GPA of 3.0 or better overall. Membership is not limited to history majors.
2023 PAT Zeta Chapter Initiates:

Aya Alkhayri
Maya Badhwar
Ben Bloir
Meg Brosneck
Macayla Childs
Blake Churry
Meredith Clay
Casarina Coniglio
Elowen Conley
Peter Cooper
Sydney Dunmire
Connor Fairfield
Joseph Ferreira
Emily Gable
Andrew Darin Eugene Gantt
Nicholas Glahn
Maya Goldenberg
Colin R. Greene
Victoria G. Haller
Olivia Varney
Marc Vega
Michela Zaccardelli
Ethan Zeng
Julia Hilton
Derek Holston
Alexander Hottman
Robert Kabelitz
Chase B. Keller
Patrick Flynn Metty Kerrigan
Casey Levy
Samantha Mager
Frances Marshall
Julie Ann Martinez Montoya
Mackenzie McMahon
Sean T. Moore
Reema Rao
Saba Guloona Rehan
Richard Roediger
Andrei Paul Sasu
Jaideep R. Seth
Ryan Sharp
Danielle Shoemake
Elizabeth Snyder
Carter Stephen
Ellouise Surles