
Christopher McNight Nichols Interviewed on Voices of Excellence Podcast
Christopher McKnight Nichols recently sat down with David Staley for a Voices of Excellence podcast interview. Professor Nichols spoke about isolationism, internationalism, the impact of crises on…

Congratulations to Professors Breyfogle, Dueñas, and Judd!
Congratulations to Nicholas Breyfogle, Alcira Dueñas, and Robin Judd on their new appointments to full Professor of History!
Nicholas Breyfogle is a…

Max Boot Quotes Peter Mansoor in New Washington Post Op-Ed on Gaza
In Max Boot's new op-ed, "David Petraeus Warns Israel's Clear and Leave Strategy Won't Work," in The Washington Post he quotes Peter Mansoor as follows:
"In a similar vein, retired Col.…

Justin Salgado Awarded Global Arts + Humanities Graduate Team Fellowship
Congratulations to Justin Salgado on receiving a Global Arts + Humanities Graduate Team Fellowship! The fellowships are financial awards made based on academic merit through a division-wide…
Thomas McDow Pens New Book
Congratulations to Professor Thomas McDow on the publication this month of his new book, A Primer for Teaching Indian Ocean World History, (Duke University…

Graduating History Major Elizabeth Albertson Interviewed by 10TV
Ohio State history major and Hoffman Fellow Elizabeth Albertson was interviewed by 10TV on graduation day. Elizabeth spoke about her experiences at Ohio State and life as a Buckeye.

History 3070 Students Participate in Research Poster Rodeo
On April 18th, students participated in Professor Margaret Newell's History 3070 Native American History to Removal Research Poster Rodeo. The session was judged by Dr. Ray Irwin, Dr. Daniel…

Lydia Walker Interviewed on "Voices of Excellence" Podcast
Lydia Walker was interviewed recently by David Staley on the Voices of Excellence podcast.
Episode Description:
States-in-Waiting: Professor Lydia Walker on Decolonization and…

Graduate and Undergraduate Students Receive Awards at April 23rd Ceremonies
On Tuesday, April 23rd, in separate ceremonies, history graduate and undergraduate students received awards. Phi Alpha Theta also held its new member initiation. Below are images from the…