Daily Life in Late Antiquity

Kristina Sessa
Cambridge University Press
Daily Life in Late Antiquity is the first comprehensive study of lived experience in the Late Roman Empire, from c.250–600 CE. Each of the six topical chapters highlight historical 'everyday' people, spaces, and objects, whose lives operate as windows into the late ancient economy, social relations, military service, religious systems, cultural habits, and the material environment. However, it is nevertheless grounded in late ancient primary sources - many of which are available in accessible English translations - and the most recent, cutting-edge scholarship by specialists in fields such as archaeology, social history, religious studies, and environmental history. From Manichean rituals to military service, gladiatorial combat to garbage collection, patrician households to peasant families, Daily Life in Late Antiquity introduces readers to the world of late antiquity from the bottom up.
- Extensive coverage of late ancient daily life in chapters on rural life and agriculture; urban experiences; domestic life including slavery; the state and daily life (includes military service); healthcare, education, and dress; and lived religion
- Each chapter features numerous historical 'everyday' people as human windows into the past
- Assumes no previous knowledge of Roman history
Purchasing Information
Page count: 260
229 x 153 x 14 mm
Kristina Sessa, Professor
Filters: 2018