There is a North

There is a North

There is a North - Book Cover

Subtitle: Fugitive Slaves, Political Crises, and Cultural Transformation in the Coming of the Civil War
John L. Brooke
University of Massachusetts Press

How does political change take hold? In the 1850s, politicians and abolitionists despaired, complaining that the “North, the poor timid, mercenary, driveling North” offered no forceful opposition to the power of the slaveholding South. And yet, as John L. Brooke proves, the North did change. Inspired by brave fugitives who escaped slavery and the cultural craze that was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the North rose up to battle slavery, ultimately waging the bloody Civil War.
While Lincoln’s alleged quip about the little woman who started the big war has been oft-repeated, scholars have not fully explained the dynamics between politics and culture in the decades leading up to 1861. Rather than simply viewing the events of the 1850s through the lens of party politics, “There Is a North” is the first book to explore how cultural action—including minstrelsy, theater, and popular literature—transformed public opinion and political structures. Taking the North’s rallying cry as his title, Brooke shows how the course of history was forever changed.
"It turns out that the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin did more to establish the Republican Party than the caning of Charles Sumner. By combining the sensitivity of a cultural historian with the savvy of a political historian, John L. Brooke offers us a remarkable, and remarkably persuasive, new account of the emergence of antislavery politics in the early 1850s."—James Oakes, author of The Scorpion’s Sting: Antislavery and the Coming of the Civil War
"This beautifully written, elegantly theorized, and deeply researched book offers a fresh and timely examination of the intertwined political and cultural crises and forces leading to the American Civil War."—Alice Fahs, coeditor of The Memory of the Civil War in American Culture


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Page count: 376
Illustrations: 33 b&w, 15 tables
6 x 9


John Brooke, Emeritus Professor; Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of History; Warner Woodring Chair in American History; Professor of Anthropology

Filters: 2019