Maya Goldenberg is a history major, minoring in city and regional planning. She's from Cincinnati, Ohio.
What do you enjoy most about studying history?
With every history class I take, I feel like the world becomes clearer. Specifically, gaining a deeper understanding of history affords me a deeper understanding of our modern world. Along the same vein, history allows me to explore the world through different lenses. From lenses of gender to race to religion, history exposes the complexity of our would when viewed from multiple perspectives. History clarifies the world by providing context for our modern condition while also blurring the world by encouraging complexity.
Why did you choose to be a history major?
I originally majored in International Studies, but I felt like I did not have a solid enough understanding of the past to speak on modern international issues. Thus, I chose to major in History because it provides me with a solid foundation for future study. Moreover, the History Department encourages History majors to explore varied histories which allows me to explore my many interests without limits. Finally, I chose to major in history because it was my favorite subject from as far back as I can remember!
What are the favorite history courses you have taken at Ohio State and why?
This is my first semester at OSU, so I have taken only two history courses at OSU. I am in the History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict with Professor Yehudai, and I love the class because I am learning about the history of a conflict that continues to this day. This connection to contemporary issues makes me love the class. I am also in Professor Walker’s Wars of Empire and Decolonization course. I look forward to her class every week because she asks amazing questions and encourages her students to look at events from so many perspectives–my mind really has to work during her class, and I always need to prepare with a coffee beforehand! Not to mention, in her class I get the chance to learn about histories that I have never gotten the privilege to study.
If you could take the place of a historical figure (either dead or alive) for one day, who would you choose and why?
I don’t even know where to begin! I would definitely choose someone in a position of power that–had they made a different choice–could have made decisions to further social justice…maybe a Supreme Court justice. If I am approaching the question from a less serious perspective, maybe I would take the place of a Roanoke resident so that I could know the reason for the colony’s disappearance…
What’s one thing you wish every Buckeye knew about the past?
I would want every Buckeye to know that the past continues to shape our present conditions and, in particular, our present injustices.
What do you like best about being a student at Ohio State?
OSU has so many opportunities. I have only been at OSU for one semester, but I have come across more opportunities than I could have imagined. I know I’m only supposed to say one thing, but I have to add that the people here are incredibly kind, curious, and intelligent. These traits come together to create a great learning environment!