Hannah Holbert is a history major & cultural anthropology minor from Chardon, Ohio.
What do you enjoy most about studying history?
I find that the most enjoyable thing about studying history is despite how much I think that I have learned and might know, there is always more to delve into and learn from. The discipline is vast and dynamic, and it always keeps me on my toes, and it never ceases to amaze me!
Why did you choose to be a history major?
Initially, I started my time at Ohio State as an Animal Sciences major and the most enjoyable moments in my first year of classes were when we discussed animals in a historical context and eventually, I realized I would much rather be studying history rather than what I was going for at the time. I chose to be a history major because history provides an insight into what came before in such a way that is so incredible to me because you have to consider the context and culture in which an event takes place to fully begin to understand it. Although sometimes history provides more questions than answers, it is the only discipline I can see myself studying.
What are the favorite history courses you have taken at Ohio State and why?
The first class that comes to mind is Medieval Women: Power, Piety and Production because it was my first introduction to the world of Medieval Europe, and I found it to be so exciting and it completely flipped my preconceived notions of what medieval history looked like and how women functioned within it. Secondly, I think of War in the Ancient Mediterranean World because it was something I went into knowing very minimally if anything about the ancient world and was fascinated by the structure and methods of ancient warfare and how they developed over time.
If you could take the place of a historical figure (either dead or alive) for one day, who would you choose and why?
I think I would take the place of Saint Hildegard von Bingen because I would be so interested in seeing the medieval world in which she existed and experience what life at an abbey was like. Furthermore, Hildegard von Bingen was notable for going on tours and writing extensively about visions that she had, so I think it would be a very exciting day!
What’s one thing you wish every Buckeye knew about the past?
It is so much more dynamic and exciting than one might think, and it is imperative to look at the past within the context that it existed to help ourselves move forward. In order to grow, I think it necessary to study the past and ask questions. There will be things that are confusing, but there will always be something of interest to anyone!
What do you like best about being a student at Ohio State?
I love the diverse community of Ohio State, it has provided me with the opportunity to learn from a multitude of perspectives and that has furthered both my personal and professional growth. Also, we have such a wonderful faculty here at Ohio State which are truly dedicated to helping students learn, think and grow academically.