Sophie Lee is from New Milford, New Jersey
What do you love most about history?
I love that history is such a dynamic subject and that it teaches us so much about the importance of personal, political, diplomatic, and cultural relationships that have taken place in the past and continue to affect our perception of the societies that we live in today.
Why did you choose to be a history major?
I have always had a fascination with history since I was little. Growing up, I preferred reading biographies and autobiographies way more than reading fiction, and I also knew that there was a much bigger world of knowledge and research that had been done on history than what I had been exposed to in high school. So, I felt like majoring in history would really help to expand my knowledge on what has happened in the past and expose me to a plethora of new personalities, perspectives, and cultures that I did not know lot about before.
What are the favorite history courses you have taken?
My favorite history course that I have ever taken is History 3016 with Dr. Howard. This was by far the most interesting and exciting course that I have ever taken at OSU. I learned so much about American political culture and public opinion from the 1950s - 1980s, and it was really incredible to analyze how all the events and movements that took place during those decades continue to affect our current perspective on things and how they have contributed to modern-day stigmas.
Do you have a favorite professor or professors? Who are they and why?
I really enjoyed taking History 3016 with Dr. Howard, so he is definitely one of my favorite professors. I absolutely loved his teaching style and always looked forward to going to his lectures. He always kept class discussions really interesting and asked us very thought-provoking questions.
Dr. Roth is also one of my favorite professors because he is so kind, and it is clear that he cares a lot about each and everyone of his students. Ever since my freshman year, I have always enjoyed popping into Dr. Roth's office and chatting with him about not only history but also sociology and medicine. I had the pleasure of doing research with him in the history of homicides; and as a premed student, this research experience really seemed to combine my interest in both science and the humanities.
What’s one thing you wish every Buckeye knew about the past (and/or about the history department)?
I wish that every Buckeye knew that history is a subject that applies to so many other fields and that it has the ability to equip students with skills that they would have never assumed they could acquire through majoring in history. Personally speaking, I was able to gain invaluable historical research experience that corresponded with my interest in science, learn effective ways in which to articulate myself through both speech and writing, and develop incredible relationships with professors that really made my experience at OSU so memorable.