Lindsey Lawrence is from Cincinnati, OH. She is a History major, minoring in Economics.
What do you love most about history?
What I love most about history is that it allows me to understand what is going on in the world and how decisions are made. All of what happens now is based on what has happened before, so by looking back we can also see how to move forward.
Why did you choose to be a history major?
I decided to study history because I believe it is important to understand how and why the world was formed and organized the way it is. I also want to teach and I believe history allows me to be able to teach my students to think for themselves about important issues.
What are the favorite history courses you have taken?
One of my favorite courses has been Prof. Cashin's course on slavery in the United States. It looked at slavery through many different angles and even took time to explain slavery in the Northern U.S.
Do you have a favorite professor or professors? Who are they and why?
I have enjoyed the majority of history courses I have taken. However, Professor Steigerwald brings many different dynamics to his teaching and I enjoy the freedom he gives when choosing essay topics.
What’s one thing you wish every Buckeye knew about the past (and/or about the history department)?
I hope Buckeyes know that history, although in the past, is relevant for the future. There is a lot to be learned from the past and I believe knowing it gives you a more informed and well-rounded view of the world we live in.