William (Will) Rosenberger is a history major from Lakewood, Ohio.
What do you enjoy most about studying history?
History is the king of subjects! To study the past you utilize psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, law, math, science, literature and many more! I love analyzing people’s actions from the past and seeing how humans are so much more than simply instinctual beings. I also find it fascinating how trends and movements from the past influence today.
Why did you choose to be a history major?
I had wonderful teachers in high school who fostered my interest. I knew that I would regret choosing another major that I found less interesting.
What are the favorite history courses you have taken at Ohio State and why?
I have had great courses on military history and diplomacy; the professors were expert and engaging. I have had interesting courses on ancient Rome and Greece; classics are my favorite subject area. Dr. Baker’s courses on American politics and her senior seminar on Teddy Roosevelt are also amazing; her course material and constructive feedback are unmatched.
If you could take the place of a historical figure (either dead or alive) for one day, who would you choose and why?
Leonardo Da Vinci. Italian food, plus I’d love to be a genius for a day.
What’s one thing you wish every Buckeye knew about the past?
I think history has many stories and figures that teach us how to act and lead as people. Stories that are so much better than fiction because they really happened and can be emulated. One of these is the story of Cincinnatus.
What do you like best about being a student at Ohio State?
The wide range of course offerings. And of course, the people!