How to Enroll in a “Help Wanted” Independent Study (Undergraduate Research Assistantship)

  1.  Submit application to the appropriate professor, using the position information provided online; OR Approach a professor for whom you might like to work and ask about opportunities; OR Respond positively to an inquiry made by a professor who knows you. 
  2. Talk to the professor about what is expected. Decide together on the specific nature of the task(s) for which you will be responsible, how often you will meet with the professor, and the amount of course credit you will receive for the work (1-3 credit hours). 
  3. Receive written permission from your instructor via email to enroll for the course. Be sure to agree ahead of time on the number of hours for which you will receive credit and on the way your participation in the course will be graded. A rule of thumb is that each course credit hour involves about twenty hours of work for the semester. History 3193.01 is a course for which you will receive a letter grade (A-E). History 3193.02 is a course for which you will receive a grade of S or U. 
  4. Contact your adviser and ask him or her to register you, providing when you do so the email with the written permission of your instructor