Adrian Walls Earns First Place Prize in Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

Adrian Walls, a double major in Classics and Political Science/Law, received first place in the Human Experience category at the 27th annual Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum ( This comes with an award for $500 along with a certificate and medallion. The entry, “Beauty and Enslavement in the Ancient Greek Novels,” examines the intersections of beauty and slavery in the stereotyped characters of the ancient novel, a new literary form in the Greek and Roman world. The stereotypes, Adrian argues, look back to Aristotle’s theory of “natural” slavery. The argument thus challenges a claim made by some scholars today that such Greek romances “subverted” ancient ideologies of slavery. Adrian’s entry, based on an undergraduate thesis accepted for graduation with Research Distinction in Classics, began as a research paper in History 3213H “Slavery in the Ancient World (Honors)” under Professor J. Albert Harrill. Congratulations to Adrian!