Sara Butler Presents on Science Sundays

In a recent Science Sundays presentation, "CSI: Medieval England," History Professor Sara Butler examined crime and punishment in the Middle Ages and why people today want to believe the medieval world was so violent.
"Murder was not committed with impunity in the Middle Ages. Those who committed murder were caught and punished, although not always as we might expect. Catching criminals in an era before forensics and police forces was not easy. This talk analyzes how medieval communities worked together to catch murderers, and in doing so touches on the foundations of the modern legal system, including: the medieval coroner and his inquest jury, the sheriff and his posse, trial by ordeal, and the origins of the trial jury."
Science Sundays is a free lecture series open to the public that provides a wide range of current and emerging topics in science that touch our everyday lives. Speakers are experts in their fields from on campus and around the world with experience in making their topics interesting and accessible for audiences of all ages, with or without a science background. Watch more Science Sundays presentations.