Africa and World War II

Africa and World War II

Cover of Africa and World War II.

Sikainga, Ahmad Alawad
Cambridge University Press

Africa and World War II (Cambridge University Press, 2015) is the latest book by Professor Ahmad Sikainga

This volume considers the military, economic, and political significance of Africa during World War II. The essays feature new research and innovative approaches to the historiography of Africa and bring to the fore issues of race, gender, and labor during the war, topics that have not yet received much critical attention. It explores the experiences of male and female combatants, peasant producers, women traders, missionaries, and sex workers. The first section offers three introductory essays that give a continent-wide overview of how Africa sustained the Allied effort through labor and resources. The six sections that follow offer individual case studies from different parts of the continent. Contributors offer a macro and micro view of the multiple levels on which Africa's contributions shaped the war as well as the ways in which the war affected individuals and communities and transformed Africa's political, economic, and social landscape.

Cambridge University Press


Ahmad Sikainga, Professor

Filters: 2015