The Carter V. Findley Professorship and Fellowship in Ottoman and Turkish History Anchor the Program Study

May 8, 2017

The Carter V. Findley Professorship and Fellowship in Ottoman and Turkish History Anchor the Program Study

Dr. Carter V. Findley
On April 17, 2017, the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University established the endowed position, The Carter V. Findley Professorship in Ottoman and Turkish History. This endowment will support the study of Ottoman and modern Turkish history, a field taught and studied at The Ohio State University since the 1930s, and to enhance the national and international competitiveness and distinction of the university in this field.
This professorship is complemented by the Carter V. Findley Fellowship for the Study of Ottoman and Turkish History. Both funds carry the name of Professor Emeritus Findley recognizing both his academic contributions to the field and his many years of dedicated international fundraising efforts on behalf of this field of study in the Department of History. 
Carter and Lucia Findley and Executive Dean and Vice Provost, David Manderscheid, at the College of Arts and Sciences’ Honoring Excellence event on April 21, 2017.
Carter and Lucia Findley and Executive Dean and Vice Provost, David Manderscheid, at the
College of Arts and Sciences’ Honoring Excellence event on April 21, 2017.