

Title Author(s) Year
A Tale of Two Factions: Myth, Memory, and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen Jane Hathaway 2003
Builders of Ohio: A Biographical History Warren Van Tine 2003
Stalinist Values: The Cultural Norms of Soviet Mondernity, 1917-1941 David L. Hoffmann 2003
The Athenian Experiment Greg Anderson 2003
The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction Robert J. McMahon 2003
The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918 Stephen Kern 2003
The Democratic Dilemma: Religion, Reform, and the Social Order in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, 1791–1850 Randolph Roth 2003
The Pueblo Incident: A Spy Ship and the Failure of American Mitchell B. Lerner 2003
Computers, Visualization, and History David J. Staley 2002
Endgame: Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia Jennifer Siegel 2002
Genoa, Rapallo, and European Reconstruction in 1922 Carole Fink 2002
Indian Merchants and Eurasian Trade, 1600- 1750 Stephen Dale 2002
Stalinism: The Essential Readings David L. Hoffmann 2002
The GI Offensive in Europe: The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions, 1941-1945 Peter R. Mansoor 2002
The Human Tradition in Colonial Latin America Kenneth J. Andrien 2002
The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and Its Trade, 1550-1900 Scott Levi 2002
The Kingdom of Quito, 1690–1830: The State and Regional Development Kenneth J. Andrien 2002
The Politics of Households in Ottoman Egypt Jane Hathaway 2002
The Spanish Armada Geoffrey Parker 2002
Then Came Disaster: France and the United States, 1918-1940 Marvin Zahniser 2002
"We Only Come Here to Struggle": Stories from Berida's Life Claire Robertson 2000
A Cross of Iron Michael J Hogan 2000
Peasant Metropolis: Social Identities in Moscow, 1929-1941 David L. Hoffmann 2000
Russian Modernity: Politics, Knowledge, Practices David L. Hoffmann 2000
The Great War and the Twentieth Century Geoffrey Parker 2000