

Title Author(s) Year
Defending the Rights of Others Carole Fink 2004
Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations (2nd edition) Michael J Hogan 2004
Families, Friends, and Allies Heather J. Tanner 2004
Gutenberg in Shanghai Christopher A. Reed 2004
Looking Backward and Looking Forward: Perspectives on Social Science History Harvey J. Graff 2004
Ohio and the World, 1753–2053: Essays Toward a New History of Ohio Geoffrey Parker 2004
Rome at War Nathan Rosenstein 2004
Secret Gardens, Satanic Mills Birgitte Søland 2004
The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road, 1567–1659 (2nd edition) Geoffrey Parker 2004
The Breakup of Yugoslavia and Its Aftermath Carole Rogel 2004
The Garden of the Eight Paradises Stephen Dale 2004
The History of Ohio Law Michael Les Benedict 2004
The Sabbatean Prophets Matt Goldish 2004
Their War for Korea: American, Asian, and European Combatants and Civilians, 1945-1953 Allan R Millett 2004
1956: European and Global Perspectives Carole Fink 2006
Beshir Agha: Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman Imperial Harem Jane Hathaway 2006
Caught in the Middle East: U.S. Policy toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1945-1961 Peter L. Hahn 2006
England on Edge: Crisis and Revolution, 1640-1642 David Cressy 2006
La crisis de la monarquí­a de Felipe IV Geoffrey Parker 2006
Literacy and the Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England David Cressy 2006
Modern Republican: Arthur Larson and the Eisenhower Years David Stebenne 2006
Preserving The Constitution: Essays On Politics And The Constitution In The Era Of Reconstruction Michael Les Benedict 2006
Shiloh: A Battlefield Guide Mark Grimsley 2006
To Intermix With Our White Brothers: Indian Mixed Bloods in the United States from Earliest Times to the Indian Removals Thomas N. Ingersoll 2006
A History of Small Business in America Mansel Blackford 2003